Spirit Babies
Yesterday evening I had a spirit baby reading with a Spirit Baby Medium named Belle (who I’ll link down below!) I absolutely LOVE talking about this kind of stuff, so I felt called to share about it here while it’s still fresh. Who knows, perhaps this is pure divine intervention by my spirit babies and your spirit babies - aka the babes of the Mum’s who will end up reading this. Anyway, where to begin??
What’s a Spirit Baby?
If you are new to this term ‘spirit baby’ and not sure what it means exactly (prepare to have your mind blown lol), I’m talking about souls or babies in spirit who are waiting to be conceived and incarnate on planet Earth. I truly believe that if you’re reading this or have already come across content of this nature, you have a spirit baby that wants to connect with you!
How the F does it work?
If (like me) you believe in life after death and the ability to communicate with people who have passed over, it works the same way for souls waiting to come in. They exist in spiritual or energetic realms, and as we are all energetic beings a part of a whole, we can connect with essentially anything and everything we set our focus and intention on, by using our intuitive gifts aka our clair senses. As for the connection and communication side of things, what I’ve recently come to realise is that spirit babies have a dominant clair sense in which they prefer to communicate through.
The 5 Clair Senses are our intuitive senses which align with our normal senses but help us connect beyond the physical. They are clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairalience (clear smelling) and clairgustance (clear tasting) and claircognizance (clear knowing). My strongest clair senses are; clairsentience and claircognizance, but sometimes I will intuitively get visions, hear or smell things.
As for the readings with Belle, the Spirit Baby Medium, she reads by using her intuitive gifts to tune into your energetic field (my words not hers) and relays to you whatever comes through in relation specific to babies, pregnancy, birth and motherhood. I’ll link her website below where you can read more information. Side note: Belle is not aware that I’m sharing this, nor is there any affiliate agreement for me to promote her work. I’m just sharing it because I loved my session and there are some who may be drawn to dive deeper into this work.
How do I communicate with my Spirit Babies?
Many years ago (not sure how many to be exact, maybe in my mid 20s) I had my first connection with a baby boy spirit who I intuitively sensed around me and felt wanted to be my son. It was so exciting and oddly comforting to feel his presence around me! At this point of time my partner and I had discussed children and both wanted them, but weren’t ready at this stage.
I can hear people asking but how?? How did you sense he was there or know it was a baby boy who wanted to be yours? I find it so difficult to describe it, but it’s just a strong “gut” feeling and deep inner knowing. For you, the connection may be different, ie you may get a vision or hear someone speaking to you.
How do I know I’m not making it all up? Look, I quite possibly could be, but the fact that so many other women also have these encounters tells me it’s not made up, but also, so what if it is? So what if my mind is creating it all, making it all up, or it’s just part of my wild imagination? I love it! It intrigues me and lights me up! And follow what lights you up, I say!
Anyway, back to the story, I have connected with my baby boy on and off over the years, sometimes he feels more present or “closer”. Other times, he’s silent and distant. Sometimes I feel like I’m chatting with him (telepathically) which can happen spontaneously or sometimes it’s more of a conscious effort, meaning I reach out to him telepathically with the intention to start a conversation and see if he responds.
Since having the reading with Belle, I now understand that we connect and communicate quite easily because we both communicate clairsentiently (through a sense or feeling) and claircognizantly (through an inner knowing). It’s like we can read each others minds without talking lol. Where as my daughter, who is apparently eager to come through this year (before my son), is more visual or clairvoyant. This communication is not impossible for me, it just requires more presence and focus on my behalf.
Before I booked my session with Belle, I went to an online spirit baby event with her and Kat O’Connor a few days prior (which had 90 women online!! WOW) and she guided us through a meditation to connect us with our spirit babies. At the time I thought it was my boy who came through, but now I realise it was my girl. I say this because in the meditation I vaguely saw a two year old sitting on my lap. I couldn’t get a clear visual of the face, but the energy felt different to what I’ve felt from my boy. Then when I asked for a totem animal or a sign which would let me know of their presence, I immediately heard the word “butterfly” in my mind and thought hmm an interesting choice for a boy, but ok that’s cool. I also had a dream I was holding a baby girl the night before my reading with Belle. Again, she appeared to be around two years of age. When I awoke I was a tad confused as to who she was and/or whether she was mine? Now it makes sense that it was my girl spirit baby.
What came through in my spirit baby reading?
Here is an overview of what Belle said in my reading…
There were three children that came forth in the reading. Two that I have soul contracts with (a girl and boy) and another girl who I don’t have a contract with but she is eager to join our family, but the decision is up to me. This resonates strongly, because 1. I’ve had other psychics pick up on two children and some have even picked up on the third, but with a sense of reservation. (I wasn’t sure if this meant that I was going to miscarry) and 2. I’ve always strongly felt that I wanted two children, but my partner Brendan has mentioned he would like three lol. So we will see!!!
Brendan and our children are soul family and have had many past lives together. One of the girls and I had a past life together in Lake Titicaca Peru, many lifetimes ago. My son and I have had a past life together on Earth, back in the time of the (long lost) city Atlantis.
Belle spoke about the energy of the spirit babies, their purposes and what they will each bring to Earth. Apparently while I’m pregnant with my daughter I will be super open and psychic.
She mentioned natural conceptions, quite strong morning sickness during pregnancy (as I’ll be adjusting to the high vibrations of the babies) and smooth natural births.
She mentioned that my nervous system is in overdrive (which is spot on I’ve been so anxious lately) and that I need to slow down, practice breath work, spend more time in nature being present (and less time on my phone being stimulated) and eat more warming foods to nourish my womb. Oh and come back into resonance with my heart. Before the reading, I was already intuitivley getting the guidance to do most of these things, so the confirmation was great!
She also told me to enjoy this creative, fertile “spring” phase (ie pre-babies) and just focus on living my best life. She mentioned that babies aren’t attracted to the energy of desperation.
One of the girls wanted to give me the message to let go of how I was parented and focus on how my partner and I want to parent, because it doesn’t have to be (and won’t be) the same. She mentioned that these babies won’t be coming into a broken home. It will be an extremely loving house hold.
She also dropped the bomb shell that this is my last human life on Earth! No wonder I have a desire to do so many things!! Time to actually get cracking on them lol!
There was plenty more but that’s all I’ll share here. Hopefully this gives you a sense of what information is possible to receive when you are open to making contact with your unborn spirit babies.
How to get in touch with your own spirit babies?
If you are keen to connect with your own spirit babies and you don’t know how or where to start, my advice would be to give it a go and if nothing happens, try again and keep practising. If you feel drawn to have a session with Belle (or myself! As of October 2024, I’m now offering Spirit Baby Readings) book in. That may instigate the connection? I will say that I do believe all women have the ability to establish this connection for ourselves. It may come more easily to some, and if it doesn’t feel natural to you it doesn’t mean the skill can’t be learnt and developed.
Belle has guided meditations which may help, or you could try doing your own. You can write your babies letters or speak to them (internally or out loud) and see if they respond. Play around with a variety of methods that use all the different clair senses. For me I notice the connection comes more easily when I am still, quiet and present, because that’s when I’m able to pick up on the subtle forms of communication. For example, I quite often feel pregnant or sense a baby around whenever I receive Reiki energy healing. So overall, relax, play and have fun with it!
Feel free to drop me an email at jaynemartin2012@gmail.com or send me a DM on instagram with any questions or feedback you have on any of this. If this is all new for you and it has sparked something in you, I’d love to hear from you!
Much Love
Jayne x
I’m now offering Spirit Baby Readings….
2.5 years after writing this blog post, I’m excited to announce that I’m now offering remote Spirit Baby Readings.
Over the years, I’ve dabbled in intuitive readings and I recently received the nudge to offer Spirit Baby Readings for others
The thought of this gets me excited and lit up, because I personally know how comforting it can be when we hear reassuring messages that either validate what we intuitively know, or bring us hope.
Click here for more info or you can book in a session down below. x
Spirit Baby Medium - Belle’s website: https://surfthewildwoman.com/product/spirit-baby-reading-mentoring/
Book: Spirit Babies - How to Communicate with the Child You're Meant to Have by Walter Makichen